Symbols have specific meanings within each culture that can change from place to place or evolve over time. This project is to design a poster campaign of at least four posters with a symbol as its root. A simple, distilled message stripped down to its basics of symbol and concept.
This project generates awareness around our earth’s issue of mass pollution. The symbol being focused on is the bar code graphic signifying mass human waste and consumption.
APPLICATIONS USED: PROCREATE, ADOBE ILLUstrator, adobe indesign, artboard studio. (student project)

This poster (blue) displays a bar code graphic where the lines turn into a factory with smoke coming out of it. The smoke & the lines of the building build a figure of a skull. This signifies the decay and death caused by the carbon dioxide and green house gasses that are emitted into our atmosphere. Each poster displays a plastic texture to represent the mass production of plastic waste.

Here, the bar code represents an evolution going from vegetation into electronic plugs and chords. This graphic signifies the depletion of our environment and the increase of our population’s effect on the world.
The green background poster represents the fact that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is at a record high level, causing greenhouse gases to have far-ranging environmental and health effects. In this poster, I illustrated the skeleton of a fish, signifying the withering of our ocean-life due to this crisis. The campaign logo “THE PRICE WE PAY” is incorporated in the typography of a bar code. This connects the whole concept together by tying the issue back to human consumption & greed.

Eva Huzella Design
Student Project
GD400 Advanced Graphic Design
Chapman University Fall 2020