Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics is a reputable cosmetics retailer that makes vegetarian, organic, and sustainable products. Lush stands with the global movement towards going green and reducing our carbon footprint due to the threat of climate change. This project advertises Lush’s green products in the race for “environmental consciousness.” The deliverables will include an ad campaign consisting of traditional media, digital media, and a 30-second commercial selling a sustainable or eco-conscious product of a high profile consumer company.

The goal of this project is to persuade the audience to take action. This project needs a comprehensive ad campaign that resonates with the people. The perception of this campaign will reflect “environmental consciousness” as something honorable and important so that the audience will want to take part in this fight to save the world.
This project doesn’t just explain that Lush is a sustainable company, but it explains why Lush’s products are eco-friendly. The audience will better trust the company if they see proof that what they are buying is ethically moral. To do this, the marketing campaign will revolve around explaining Lush’s qualities of being plastic free, vegetarian, cruelty-free, & organic! These advertisements not only highlight why it’s important to help the world, but builds trust between Lush and its clients.

The email marketing goes into more depth about what exactly Lush does that contributes to making the world a greener place; this includes Lush’s traits of being plastic-free, cruelty-free, and 100% vegetarian. Accompanying these facts include graphics of Lush’s bath bombs/ingredients with word bubbles that accentuate the adjacent text explaining Lush’s earth conscious products.

Eva Huzella Design
Student Project
Branding & Advertising
Fall 2020